Knowing the weight of your fish tank prior to setting it up is important.
You need to take into consideration the empty weight of the tank and the total weight of the tank with water, rocks, and other equipment inside.
Knowing this will help decide what type of stand is going to be suitable to use.
With smaller tanks, like the 10 gallon, you won’t need a heavy-duty stand but you will still need something that will support the weight without issues.
The average weight of a 10-gallon fish tank is 11 pounds. This could vary depending on the materials used to build the tank. For example, acrylic tanks are lighter than glass tanks. A standard 10-gallon aquarium will have the dimensions of 20″x10″x12″.
Factors affecting aquarium weight
There are many things that will affect the overall weight of an aquarium. If you are buying a bare tank from the factory, local fish store, or online, an empty tank will just include the tank itself with no equipment included. Anything you add to the tank afterward will increase the overall weight.
#1. Size and dimensions
The larger the tank size and dimensions, the heavier it will be. Given the same materials were used. A 10-gallon standard glass tank with the dimensions of 20”x10”x12” would weigh less than a 15-gallon tank with the dimensions of 24”x12”x12”.
#2. Materials
The materials to build the tank will also play a role in the tank’s weight. A standard glass aquarium will weigh more than an acrylic tank. The thickness of the glass or acrylic also plays a role.
Glass can weigh around 1.5 pounds per gallon tank size for small and medium tanks. This will increase for larger tank sizes. In many cases, acrylic tanks can be half the weight of glass tanks. So if you have a larger aquarium, the weight of acrylic vs glass can be a huge difference.
Many people will choose to have an acrylic tank over a glass tank due to many reasons but the lighter weight is the main consideration.
#3. Water
Once you add water to your tank the weight will increase. A 10-gallon tank empty is only 11 pounds. But when filled, it will weigh around 90 pounds.
There is a slight difference between freshwater weight and saltwater weight but it is very minimal. On very large tanks this could make a difference, but not really for a 10-gallon. Seawater on average weighs 1-1.5 pounds per cubic foot.
#4. Equipment
Once you add any equipment into the tank, it’s weight will also increase. Filters, powerheads, lights, canopy, heater, and anything else will add to the overall weight.
#5. Decor
Any decorations that you might use in the tank will also increase the overall weight. In saltwater tanks, there are not many decorations to be used other than sand and rocks but keep this in mind if you choose to use any.
#6. Sand
Most saltwater tanks use a substrate of sand or crushed coral. This will add to the overall weight. If you are setting up a 10-gallon tank, you will use around 10 pounds of sand in the tank. Maybe more. So remember to add this to the overall weight calculations.
#7. Rocks
A very important part of keeping a saltwater tank is the use of live rocks. This will be your main source of filtration and overall health of the tank. For a 10-gallon tank, you might want to use 10 or 15 pounds of rock depending on the space you have. Small tanks can be difficult to aquascape, but on average count for 10 pounds of rock weight.
How to calculate how many gallons a tank is
In order to calculate how many gallons an aquarium is, you need 3 things. And a calculator. Length, width, and height of the tank. Using this formula, it’s simple to calculate.
Length x Width x Height / 231
For example, let’s say you have an aquarium with the following dimensions.
Length = 48”
Width = 13”
Height = 21”
Using the formula: 48 x 13 x 21 = 13104/231 = 55 gallons.
More information on aquarium weights and dimensions here.
Stands for a 10-gallon tank
Choosing the proper stand for your aquarium is very important for obvious reasons. You need something to hold the weight of the tank plus all the additions you put into it. Smaller nano tanks have an advantage where they don’t weigh so much and for the most part can be placed on an end table, desk, or dresser.
But when you get into the larger tanks, you will need something more sturdy and can support the weight of a filled aquarium.
Many manufactures will specify a weight limit for their stands. Wood and metal stands are commonly used for aquariums and specific ones are built to support the weight of all corners and edges of the tank properly. A tank that is not supported equally can cause leaks and cracks.
Larger tanks that are not properly supported by the stand can lead to a disaster. No one wants a large tank crashing on the floor. This is a serious concern for people with big tanks.
You can easily build your own aquarium stand or buy one online. Check your local aquarium stores to see if they have any in stock. This aquarium stand on Amazon is suitable for a 10-gallon tank.
Best 10-gallon aquariums
If you are looking to set up a 10-gallon aquarium, here are a couple of choices for you.
Lifeguard Aquatics has a great all in one style nano tank available on Amazon. This tank is built with crystal clear low iron glass and includes a built-in filter section. They are also made with invisible glue joints and 45-degree edge rimless glass. Really nice 10-gallon kit at a great price. Grab one on Amazon here.
Innovative Marine also makes an all in one 10-gallon aquarium kit.
The Nuvo Fusion 10 is a popular choice for many who are looking for a nano tank. It has a built-in filtration section it’s modern design looks great anywhere you put it. Innovative Marine has several other sizes available and their all in one designs are awesome. They keep getting better and you can go wrong with them. These are available at Marine Depot here.