Frogspawn Coral Care Guide
In terms of care necessities, Frogspawn is considered to be a “moderate” breed of coral. Frogspawn makes a great additional to saltwater tanks, and come in a variety of different colors that can add life to your aquarium. Frogspawn corals are commonly found in colors of yellow, green, and brown, and may have bright tentacle tips of pink, white, lavender, or cream color. But what exactly does it take to care for this breed of coral? In this Frogspawn coral care guide, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about caring for your Frogspawn properly.
A little about Frogspawn Coral
Frogspawn is a type of LPS (Large Polyp Stony) Coral and goes by a variety of different names including the Wall, Grape, Honey, or Octopus Coral. It is a member of the Euphyllia coral species. The Frogspawn coral is very similar to the Octospawn coral, hammer coral, and torch coral. If you were to see a Frogspawn Coral, it might not take much to figure out where they get their name – their polyps tend to resemble a mass of fish or frog eggs. Frogspawn Coral has the ability to sweep their tentacles up to six inches beyond their base, and they tend to do so in the evenings. These tentacles also extend when feeding.
Because Frogspawn coral has the ability to reach out and sting other coral within the tank, it can be considered aggressive and has been labeled as “moderately difficult” to maintain. Try to keep other corals 6″ or more away to avoid being stung. The exception to this would be any other members of the Euphyllia species. They can normally be together side by side and not bother each other.
Frogspawn are readily available amongst reef hobbyists and are common to see in reef tanks. You can buy them in the form of smaller frags or larger colonies. Expect to pay around $50-$100 per colony depending on the size. Frags are cheaper usually around $20 per frag. Learn how to frag corals here.
Typical Frogspawn 1 head frag
Natural Habitat
Frogspawn Coral is native to parts of Asia and Australia and has roots in Fiji, the Philippines, and Indonesia. It is commonly found among the Great Barrier Reef. In their natural habitats, Frogspawn Coral is normally found about 131 feet down where they form small colonies among soft waves. Stinging cells help to protect these corals against predators and also help to capture small prey.
While Frogspawn coral typically feeds on algae and planktonic organisms in the wild, aquarists tend to feed them things like krill and shrimp. While most people will chop up food for the Frogspawn, it can also handle larger pieces of meat as well. Regular feeding is extremely important for this breed of coral, as it helps to contain the Frogspawn’s aggression. Aggressive behavior of the Frogspawn is often associated with a lack of food, so ample food needs to be provided to protect other coral and fish within the tank.
In addition to food, Frogspawn also requires some supplements. In order for Frogspawn to thrive, they require each magnesium, strontium, and calcium. Lack of Calcium can lead to stunted growth, but magnesium can help to keep calcium levels up. Magnesium levels should always be kept between 1200-1350. Red Sea ABC kits are great for supplements.
Strontium is needed for all corals with a calcium carbonate skeleton. Not only does it help the coral to build its skeleton, but it also helps to rid the coral of harmful toxins.
Note: When dealing with Frogspawn coral, it’s important that you maintain supplement levels, but never overdose. Overdosing your Frogspawn could cause them to hide or die.
On the opposing side, phosphorus is not recommended for aquariums with Frogspawn coral, as it can stunt growth and damage the coral.
Frogspawn Lighting requirements/Water flow
Frogspawn coral do best with medium to high strength lighting. With that being said, though the Frogspawn does like high lighting, they don’t respond well when lighting is too intense. If possible, try to simulate the lighting conditions from the previous environment the coral was in to avoid stress. Over time you can adjust lighting as necessary.
It’s also important to note that you should avoid direct high intense lighting like metal halides with this breed of coral. Using this type of lighting can stunt the growth of your coral, cause stress and even death.
In their natural environment, Frogspawn coral lives among soft, gentle waves. In an aquarium environment, they tend to do best in medium flows. A medium flow helps the Frogspawn to extend and move their tentacles, allowing them to better seek out important nutrients within the water. Too much flow will cause the coral to retract and could damage the sweeper tentacles. Start with a low flow area of the tank and slowly increase the speed and find the spot where the coral stays happy.
Check out this video from Tidal Gardens talking all things Frogspawn.
Frogspawn Tank Position
Where you should place Frogspawn within your tank largely depends on which type of lighting and which type of water flow you provide. If you have high lighting, Frogspawn will do best on the floor of the tank. If you have medium lighting, they will do better when placed higher.
When positioning your Frogspawn, it’s also important that you always keep your water flow in mind. You want the tentacles of your Frogspawn to bob in the water, but don’t want them to get out of control. As such, you don’t want them in direct water flow, nor do you want them placed in a dead zone. Find a happy medium where water flow is medium gentle.
Growth Rate
The growth rate of Frogspawn will vary greatly depending on your specific Frogspawn. Frogspawn with dense skeletons takes far longer to develop than those that do not have dense skeletons. Those without dense skeletons can develop up to 30 heads per year with proper care. More dense skeletons will probably produce less, growing approximately only 10 heads per year. If you are trying to avoid growth, you can cover the skeleton of your coral with rock. This will drastically reduce the growth rate of Frogspawn within the aquarium.
Tank Requirements
Unlike some easier to grow coral, Frogspawn demand quite specific tank requirements. More specifically;
- Tanks should be at least 30 gallons or more. Frogspawn needs space to extend their tentacles without stinging other corals or fish.
- Tanks should be kept at temperatures between 23-28 degrees celsius
- Frogspawn love to be surrounded by live rock
- Frogspawn needs saline waters of 1.023 – 1.025
- Alkalinity should be kept between 9-10 dKh
As mentioned before, Frogspawn coral tends to be quite an aggressive type of coral. This is especially true when it is placed in the presence of other coral, or when it is hungry. When not well fed, Frogspawn coral can extend their tentacles up to 6″ and can sting other corals in their way. For this reason, it needs to be well-fed and placed well out of the way of other breeds of coral. Having said that, Frogspawn coral tends to be relatively peaceful towards other Euphyllia members.
Euphyllia Divisa
Because Frogspawn is such a soft form of coral, it can become an easy meal for other predators. As such, they should not be placed in a tank with species like peppermint shrimp or brown jelly. They also do not react well to coral bleaching which can be caused by large changes in tank lighting, temperature, radiation, salinity, or flow. Maintaining a consistent tank environment is therefore essential to their survival.
As an end note, Frogspawn coral may not be the best choice if you are a beginner aquarist working with coral. With that being said, if you have a little bit of experience and are ready for a more challenging species, the Frogspawn can make a beautiful addition to your tank. Keep in mind that this species of coral is not as forgiving as “beginner” corals, and does require more upkeep and regular maintenance to thrive.
Thanks for reading!
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